
Benefits of a bilingual programme

Research shows that only a programme taught fully in two languages leads to totally bilingual children. When children are educated in this way in two languages, their cognitive development is significantly enhanced. The bilingually trained mind is better able to multi-task and to switch between topics without losing focus. And the younger it starts, the better.

Cognitive advantages

  • Greater adaptability, mental flexibility
  • Conceptual mobility
  • Higher abstract reasoning, independent of language
  • Advantages in the construction of concepts
  • Verbal intelligence
  • Greater creativity
  • Higher communication sensitivity
  • Greater capacity to problem solve
  • Higher performance in spatial perception
  • Positive consequences in the mathematical world
  • A richer and more attractive curriculum
  • The learning of additional languages is greatly facilitated

Communication advantages

  • Greater facility of communication (family, community, international relations, employment, etc.)
  • Reading and writing skills in English and French
  • Cultural advantages
  • Multiculturalism, the experience of two linguistic worlds
  • More tolerance and less racism
  • Personal advantages
  • Higher self-esteem
  • Affirmation of one’s identity