
École primaire

En savoir plus

Pourquoi choisir l'EIFA?


Cursus bilingue français / anglais


15 élèves par classe en moyenne


Environnement international, 30 nationalités représentées


150 élèves, de la petite section à la quatrième


Située au centre de Londres, large choix d'activités extra-scolaires


Frais de scolarité pour 23/24 maintenus pour 24/25

Nos locaux

Ce que disent nos parents

"Excellent school combining high academic level with warm and caring environment. The staff is always listening to the pupils and parents, working with them as and when needed.
The academic level of the school is all the more impressive that, contrary to other similar schools, EIFA does not have an entry selection and even welcomes children who do not speak English or French when they join. The progress these children do is just incredible and pupils go from one language to another effortlessly.
But most importantly, having 3 children at the school, with very different characters, passions and academic profiles, they are all 3 thriving both on a personal level and academic, thanks to the high standards of the school and the individual approach of the staff who knows how to adapt to each child."

"EIFA International School's bilingual, positive and "growth-mindset" fostering approach to education contributes to a unique learning experience and environment, nurturing children on all aspects - from literacy and numeracy to sports, arts and music - on both the academic and the personal development front.

Thanks to its excellent quality teachers and staff, an impressively high staff-to-children ratio, children develop this rare ability to explore, question, discern, think outside the box and create by themselves - well beyond bluntly memorising and reproducing text books - all with passion and confidence. In turn, as they feel safe and cared for, children learn seamlessly, with pleasure.


"Being born in London and having grown up throughout the English primary school system (state school), going to EIFA was an amazing transition to secondary for our daughter in September 2020.

Until then, we had managed her learning of the French language via Saturday schools, private classes and, later on, CNED tuition, so joining EIFA then was a step up into a fully integrated bilingual education.

The fact that kids have uneven level of French or English was handled well by the school and never at the expense of academic progress. In hindsight, probably an asset to be able to collaborate with diverse profiles.



Calendrier scolaire et évènements

Calendrier de Évènements

L lun

M mar

M mer

J jeu

V ven

S sam

D dim

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Nos partenaires